Investasi Bodong Merajalela. Member Diperas Hingga Melarat!
Investasi di tahun 2021, zaman yang teknologinya sudah serba mutakhir ini sudah bukan hal yang asi…
Investasi di tahun 2021, zaman yang teknologinya sudah serba mutakhir ini sudah bukan hal yang asi…
Brasil raih emas cabang olahraga sepak bola dalam Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 setelah kalahkan Spanyol. K…
Nama Eka Kurniawan dalam kancah literasi Indonesia tentu begitu familiar di telinga. Penulis novel C…
Barrack Obama, mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat dan Musisi ternama Bruce Springsteen akan segera rili…
"Ghibah sama seperti memakan bangkai saudara sendiri." Industri perfilman Indonesia yang s…
For writers and readers, Goodreads is certainly a familiar site. In this social cataloging website…
The high number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is not a barrier for art workers to keep up their c…
Penggemar Disney kembali disapa kabar gembira. Gary Marsh, presiden dan kepala kreatif Disney Bran…
Detectives ID presented another interesting event for Crime Festival through Instagram live. An even…
Ongoing- Ceremonial opening of Crime-Fest 2021, a virtual festival for literacy lovers of the crimin…
Every May 17th Indonesian commemorate National Bookday. Many Indonesian, especially those who are …
Free Virtual Booktalk with Tereliye There are alot of things we can do while waiting for Iftar dur…
Spending time with family and watching religious films is one of the best ways to do to enjoy Eid ho…
Since their decision to step away from the royal duties at 2020 and move to US for an independen l…
Who doesn't know Ernest Prakasa? Comic, who won third place in the Stand Up Comedy program on on…
KRI Nanggala-402, which on Wednesday 21/4/2021 carried out dives containing 53 crew members, was d…
21 April, peringatan Hari Nasional Kartini adalah tonggak penting atas perjuangan Raden Ajeng Kart…
Dee Lestari a modern Kartini. 21st of April, the commemoration of Kartini National Day is an importa…
After the #ShopeeTindasKurir hashtag were trending on Twitter, Shopee Indonesia raised its voice reg…
10 April 2021, 14.00 WIB. Malang, East Java, was shaken by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7. …